Biennial General Body Meeting of EXE BRANCH - Ashoka Nagar - Guntur is held on 06-08-2019 under the Presidentship of Com M Bhavannarayana. Com V. Vara Prasad Circle Secretary , Com KS Koteswara Rao Circle President, Com CV Koteswarudu Circle Vice President , Com K Bala Koteswara Rao District Secretary have spoken on the occassion. CS has explained about recent developments on our proposal for pension revision. Com M Lakshmi Narayana Branch Secretary and Com T Sitaramaiah Treasurer have presented their reports.The newly elected office-bearers are #
Honorary president : Com RT Naik
President : Com Y Subba Rao
Secretary :Com M Lakshmi Narayana
Treasurer : Com N Chandra Sekhar Rao.