21 Feb 2020


A special meeting was organised by AIBSNL PWA Guntur district on 19-02-2020 at Kothapet exchange Guntur inviting all VRS-2019 retirees in Guntur Town under the presidentship of Com.Lakshminarayana. Com.Ch.Venkateswalu FNTO Circle Secretary, Com Sunkara Srinivasarao DS  AIBSNLEA, Com M.Peddarao District President AIBSNLEA , Com Ganta Nageswararao DS NFTE addressed the meeting and extended their full support to our Association and appealed all the members to join our Association. Com.K.S.Koteswararao Circle President explained about our Association achievements since formation, pension revision and BSNL MRS, CGHS Scheme and appealed all the members to join our Association. 150 members including our Association members attended the meeting and 45 members joined our Association on the spot and paid Life membership  and 30 members given their application to join our Association .