Pensioners Day – 17th December
All Pensioners must remember this day – 17th
December 1982. Let us remember and pay a humble tribute to the late Shri
D.S.Nakara who consistently fought for many years and brought self-respect to
the pensioners. It was on this day in 1982 that the Supreme Court delivered a
Judgment that gave dignity and purpose to the life of pensioners in India.
This judgment resulted in the Recommendations of IV Central Pay Commission (1984) and for Pension Revision, whenever there is pay revision thro Pay Commissions.
Pension is neither a bounty, nor a matter of
grace depending on the sweet will of the employer, nor an ex-gratia payment. It
is a payment for the past services rendered.
It may not be possible to observe the day as we
had done in past since 17th December 2020 is not as safe as it was
used to be. Still we may do it as per convenience to the extent possible. Have
your plans to OBSERVE PENSIONERS DAY in the befitting manner to reiterate our
resolve to fight for our rights.
Circle Secretary
AP Circle