6 Oct 2021


Corporate office issued a clarification regarding taxation on payment to retired employees on 22/9/2021. 
Immediately our association wrote a letter on 23/9/2021 itself mentioning the relevant rules and asked for issuing necessary corrigendum. Yesterday, 4/10/2021, our AGS Com Anupam Kaul met the AGM (taxation) in corporate office and discussed. As per our AGS request, our Vice President Com DG also spoke to that AGM over phone. First reaction from him was that no other organization has raised any objection to the letter. 
The AGM informed them that: Tax concession can be availed under 80d of IT Rule for CGHS contribution ….Gratuity payment after retirement is not taxable and the clarification is for the payment to legal heirs only”. 
Our comrades requested him to issue necessary corrigendum, AGM agreed to consider.          (CHQ)